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Israel Encouraged to Pursue More U.S. Business Ties

Writer's picture: Michael LeslieMichael Leslie

In the interest of fostering stronger economic ties between the U.S. and Israel, Josh Kram, Senior Director of Middle East Affairs at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, suggested that the Jewish State should more aggressively seek economic alliances with businesses in the U.S. Although the U.S. and Israel has made it a priority to further collaboration in the particular realm of cyber security as elaborated in, “The Importance of the U.S.-Israel Cyber Security Relationship in the 21st Century,” Kram contends that there are many American companies that are still unaware of the areas of economic overlap between both countries. Such areas include agriculture, water, health and advanced manufacturing.

These remarks come a few months after the announcement by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce of the “Business Israel”--an initiative that aims to bring top U.S. executives from all 50 states to Israel over the next three years in the hopes of expanding the market for American exports, encourage investment in U.S. companies and to foster economic collaboration between U.S. and Israeli companies.

Plans for Improvement

Representing over 3 million companies in the U.S., the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is the largest business organization in the world and incredibly influential. Even though the Chamber has worked with Israeli firms to encourage more open commercial relations between both nations, according to Kram the Jewish State is not the easiest country to do business with, however, improvements can be made.

Kram believes that one improvement can be made in the nature of prime ministerial visits. He suggests that Israel’s P.M. Benjamin Netanyahu should integrate business into the primarily political nature of the visits by bringing Israeli business delegations with him. Kram explains, “But Israel shouldn’t take the business relationship with the US for granted. On his visits to Washington, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has a routine, he meets Congress and he speaks to pro-Israel groups. Why not add business to the agenda? There is only an upside to that.”

A Surprising Economic Ally

One particular Asian country that is beginning to form a closer economic relationship with Israel is India. India’s P.M. Modi made a groundbreaking visit to Israel in July that involved important defense and cyber security deals between both nations. Recognizing this emerging Israeli economic ally, Kram states that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is in the process of planning events in San Francisco, D.C. and India to foster a U.S.-Israel-India tripart economic relationship. The Texas-Israel Chamber of Commerce will be keeping our followers posted on any further economic developments resulting from this initiative!


“Startup Nation Urged to Put Business Ties with American First” :

Article Quotes:

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